• My daughter played with a regular group of her toddler friends and even kept some of them after kindergarten.  Somewhere along the way, she drifted apart from some of her friends. Simply put, they no longer like one another.  However, all those years of playdates have formed a bond between the parents. I feel obligated to invite some of these mothers to birthday parties and gatherings because they are still my friends. However, the kids no longer want to play together.

    One child in particular has grown to be rude to my daughter and a bit of a bully towards her. I had to sit her down and say, “Just because I am friends with her mommy, doesn’t mean that you need to be her friend. Just be respectful and polite.” When I invite my friend over, who just so happens to bring her daughter, they can choose to play together or each do their own thing.  I explained to my daughter that she can tell her, “You are being mean. I don’t want to play with you.”  The end result is that my daughter is learning to stand up to people she wouldn’t necessarily choose to associate with, as will happen throughout her life.

    Therefore, I get to invite my friends while my daughter gets to learn the art of diplomacy. After all, it does go both ways.  For many years, I’ve had to endure numerous annoying parents, with whom I normally would not associate, were it not for their child’s connection to my daughter.  So instead of pouting about it or having to be miserable that you have to avoid certain friends, you can use it as a learning tool.