• Not as in a way to measure the sand on your sandpaper. Rather, there is a psychological term to describe a person’s innate ability to overcome challenges, resulting in their being more influential and more successful, than their contemporaries, in their respective field.

    My child has grit, s/he is smart, has a high IQ and gets good grades, you might be thinking as you read this. Standardized intelligence levels don’t matter! Grit is something different. Unlike ambition, the goal of the person with grit, is for self satisfaction and not for external praise or approval. They continue to challenge themselves and are productive, even when they’ve already achieved their goals.

    Individuals who are thought to have high levels of grit, persevere despite hurdles and obstacles along the way. They are able to keep their eye on the prize, so to speak. I think the best way to determine if your child has grit is to notice if they have long-term goals, which they continue to pursue, despite challenges, setbacks and failures. They’re curious and create their own goals beyond any tasks, which are given to them.

    Despite the various psychological labels, every child has his/her innate strengths and weaknesses. It is our job as parents, not to stifle, but to help them strengthen their “grit,” and challenge their weaknesses as individuals. Remember, you’re there to help them develop and purse their goals, not yours! Encouraging self-development through exploration, will give them the best chance to achieve their personal best for character development.