• Being the daughter of a math teacher has always been difficult. Only because I personally don’t enjoy math and my mom, she really enjoys math. I was always expected to excel in math classes. I did fairly well, in my own opinion maintaining high B’s or low A’s all through high school and college. Like most people, I just think that math is boring. I understand how useful it is and how often throughout my day I use it. Maybe my apathy comes from over exposure.

    I have made counting such a huge part of our life that my 18 month old can recite numbers in order from 1 to 7.

    Anyway, I want to expose my children to math early on in hopes of making it easier for them once they are in school. I know to get kids to like something I have to act like I’m excited about it too. Boo, I say! Boo! Actually, it’s not all that hard so far. We count things. We count going up the stairs. We count our toes, and fingers. We count the wheels on cars, socks in the laundry basket. I have made counting such a huge part of our life that my 18 month old can recite numbers in order from 1 to 7. I know he has no real concept yet of what the words mean, but it’s a start.

    I hope.

    With my daughter (who is four) we work on fractions while cooking. She understands the concept of one half, and I believe she even gets thirds. I purchased a calculator for my daughter at the dollar store. I know she can’t do much with it, but maybe she can just see how numbers relate to each other. We’ve talked about what plus and minus mean. Maybe her playing will teach her something.

    Or maybe it will continue to function as her iPhone. Only time will tell. Here’s hoping for geniuses.