• * Comment at least five times a day how the baby is not warm enough and needs more layers.  Make sure this is said during a heat wave. Then during a snowstorm, comment on how overdressed the baby appears to be.
    • * Give advice passive-aggressively by starting each statement with, “When I raised my kids, I did it this way.” Make snide remarks on what the children are wearing (too revealing, too modern, not fancy enough, etc.), their grooming, make-up and of course, excessive use of electronic-devices.
    • * Give your grandchildren lots of toys with small pieces that the parents will inevitably end up cleaning daily, after stepping on the small and sharp parts.  Better yet, give them noise-making toys with small pieces that will break your vacuum.
    • * When your first grandchild is born, announce that the child will never get a job at a law firm with a name like that!?! (You know, the trendy alternative names like Iggy, Olive, Bingo, etc.)
    • * Continue to mispronounce or misspell the name.  Even when the child is well past the newborn stage only to further prove your point that an unusual name was chosen.
    • * Offer to babysit and then come over and read a book in the corner while the kids run wild and sully the house.  And then don’t clean anything up.
    • * After you have been asked not to give gifts unless it is a holiday or a birthday, you bring some surprises over and show them to your grandkids.  Then say, “I’m not sure your mommy wants you to have this.  You better check with her first.”
    • * On occasion, remind your children/in-laws how much you love the kids and what a great job they are doing as parents.  This way, they will put up with all of the above behavior on a regular basis.