• Pasar el dia is one way to say picnic in Spanish. It means to pass the day. I love this particular expression because it suggests that nothing else has to be done for that day. I envision a lazy Sunday relaxing outside, eating with family and friends. So, why is it when I look in my calendar I see time slots scheduled for various activities throughout the day? Visiting family here, attending a potluck there, chores,  etc. That doesn’t sound like a lazy picnic but rather I feel stressed already, imagining a hurried event that I have to plan a menu for, hussle everyone into the car, possibly waking someone from a nap to show up on time, and then turn around to come home for the bedtime tango.  That is not a way to have a picnic, much less pass the day. Getting tired just looking at the activities we have planned for next Sunday, I sent out a slew of emails to cancel and reschedule plans. Then, for every other Sunday from 12-5pm, I wrote PASAR EL DIA across the day. Everything and everyone else can be scheduled for some other day.

    Ideally, I like to have unstructured time on Sundays for my family to pursue hobbies (music, reading, etc.) or to just be lazy. Yes, schedules are important. However, too much structure can stifle creativity and bury self-initiative. They have enough structure during the rest of the week and appreciate the downtime.

    Here is my picnic menu for Sundays, passing the day: Nothing. I don’t want to have to prepare anything. Inspired by the French, here is my picnic menu:

    11-5p: Beach or Park. Bring a baguette, a few cheeses, grapes, olives, some veggies, and water. If our friends want to join us and prepare a honey-dijon potato salad, or a watermelon with feta and mint salad, then let them. I’m taking back my Sunday’s (or at least some of them) to pass the day!