• Let me start by saying I have a lot of love and respect for teachers as a group. My life has been altered and enriched by many adults who have chosen this honored and most important profession. It is precisely this experience which leads me to question the tepid pulse I encounter in some teachers.

    You are the adult who these kids are around all day. That is a pretty awesome responsibility, not one to be taken lightly. Sure you are given boring mandated material, and you might even have a few bosses or colleagues who you don’t like, but isn’t that like most jobs? Everyone is always quick to say, “If you are unhappy in your job, move on!”  Well, teachers, there is no shame in admitting that, even if you pride yourself on being the good person who wanted to help kids.

    Sure you are given boring mandated material, and you might even have a few bosses or colleagues who you don’t like, but isn’t that like most jobs?

    Ok, so you get summers off, great benefits, and you can’t get fired too easily. I get it. But don’t the kids deserve someone who is actually interested in seeing them progress? There is a connection that happens between a student and teacher, which is fulfilling for both.  But, when one side gives up, the other remains stagnant as well. Part of the learning process is making mistakes (students) and correcting problems (teachers). If that process drives you crazy and can only make you complain, then “teaching” might not be the best profession for you.

    I know, I know, teachers have it hard these days… But so do kids! You might be the one adult that they are around the most, and after all, they are kids! You had your time, already and are supposed to know what you like to do and what you don’t. You are the adult, so act like one. Ask yourself if the joy and wonder of watching children learn and grow is gone. If you are not feeling it, you owe it to the kids to do some soul searching, take inventory, and make some changes. After all, you got into it for them in the first place, didn’t you?


    PS- Message from the Angry Mom

    I’m not soooo angry, just highly opinionated. I love taking a stand passionately and even changing them by the influence of other passionately opinionated people. Your comments are always welcome!