• When I go to the mall and see the stylish moms with their cute outfits and stellar “post-pregnancy” bodies, I admit I get a tad jealous. Read that, insanely jealous. As a woman who has constantly struggled with my body, I have been on the hunt for easy workouts, and now that I am a mother, I need easy workouts at home or with kids. My problem is time! For me, waking up before the kids is simply not an option. That leaves me with nap time and after bed time for my working out. This sounds great, however Bid Daddy works 80 plus hours a week, leaving me the only one here during nap and after bed time. Trapping me here and away from a gym. I definitely don’t have it within my means to own a home gym (or even a treadmill). That leaves me with a whole lot of nothing to work out with.

    I don’t enforce this during nap time because nothing interrupts nap time here. Nothing.

    Asking around, I notice this is a problem that many of us mommies have. Here is my brilliant solution. At least it is brilliant to me, and seems to be working thus far. On days when we are home (or too cold to get outside) I set the timer on my microwave to go off every hour. When that timer sings it’s “beep, beep” the kids and I stop what we are doing, get up, and move! Sometimes we do jumping jacks. Others we run in circles, dance, play a quick game of chase. We spend anywhere from 5-10 minutes moving. I don’t enforce this during nap time because nothing interrupts nap time here. Nothing. That gives you a total of 45-90 minutes of exercise throughout the day. Plus, the kids have a blast too! Now, go get moving!