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“Mom, I’m bored…” or “Dad, there’s nothing to do around here.” How often have we heard those complaints before? If never, then you’re doing well. There’s a famous line from a song that I like called, “Flagpole Sitta” by Harvey Danger which says, “If you’re bored then you’re boring,” which I find so true. If you can’t find things to keep you stimulated and motivated then your imagination has suffered. Furthermore, you run the risk of others finding you boring as well. That’s where hobbies come in the picture. At the very least, it would give you something to talk about and look forward to doing.

The list of benefits to having a hobby is extensive. They’re fun, educational, promote discipline, give people a sense of accomplishment, can keep you out of trouble, and often bring people together just to name a few.  As kids develop an interest in certain activities, the window of opportunity either opens wide and flourishes with continued exposure, or shuts due to a lack of access. This is where you come in and provide your child the means and time necessary to engage in that activity. Even if it’s something with which you’re not familiar, take the time to learn about it together. Once you get that ball rolling, you’re kids will take over from there and continue to pursue it.

Don’t try to force a hobby on your child, which you may like, or think is “healthy.” If you’re lucky and it coincides with your child’s interest, then it may take off. Otherwise, you’re wasting your time and money. Instead, expose them a variety of experiences, whether it be stamp collecting, sports, music, model building, or etc., the observe their level of interest. They’ll let you know. You never know, you may have a prodigy or virtuoso on your hands. If they stop engaging in the activity for a period of time, don’t panic. They may come back to it at a later time or transfer those skills into another form. Either way, those skills will never be lost. You’ll never know unless you let them try and, at the very least, you’ll both have fun learning new activities.

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