• My three kids are budding little artists. We cannot get enough art projects done around here. One of our new favorites involves school glue, salt, and colored water.

    This is an easy afternoon experiment, not exactly an art project because the glue never really dries. It is not the kind of thing you can hang up on the fridge when your kids are done. That however, does not make it any less cool. Just less clutter.

    Your first step is to let your kids draw pictures using the glue. Use the glue squeeze bottle just like you would a pencil. When they are finished drawing pour salt on the glue. I like to do this step over a cookie sheet to help contain the mess.

    You can keep adding more water until the picture is colored to their liking

    Now comes the truly fun part. Dabbing colored water onto the salt. To make your colored water just add a few drops of food coloring to two tablespoons of water or so. Dip a paint brush into the desired color then place it onto the salt. When you do this, the salt absorbs the colored water and it travels along the line of glue. It is pretty awesome to watch happen. You can keep adding more water until the picture is colored to their liking. Make sure you clean the brush between colors so that they don’t get mixed and muddled. Unless you like that tie-dye look.

    After a while I just started letting the kids use the food coloring straight out of the little squirt bottles. This made super bright and vibrant colors, but it obviously used more food coloring. I also wouldn’t suggest letting smaller kids use the food coloring droppers, I imagine a huge mess that way.