Coloring Thank You Cards
- September 23, 2013
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I love a good thank you card. One sent via snail mail. To me they just mean so much. In this day and age where everything is as easy as using your iPhone, the extra effort of mailing a card can mean a ton. I hope to instill this into my children as well. Not only do my kids know how to give thanks for gifts they receive, I also want them to get in the habit of sending out thank your cards.Of course, younger kids have the problem of not being able to actually write a thank you card. Never fear, you can still send out fantastic cards and get your little ones to help too.
This is my go to thank you card. My local office store sells print at home cards. I almost always have a box of them at home. Most of them come with templates, or instructions on how to design.
My go to is to choose a font that can be colored in. This way my two year old can color the words, and thus contributing to his own thank you card. Another special thing to add, regardless of the age of the child and their ability to write is to tuck in a photo of your child with whatever they are thankful for. Or even a picture of them with the gift giver.
If your child can sign their name, that is the finishing touch. If not, we go for handprints around here. On days when I’m just jot feeling the paint clean up we will opt to trace our little guy’s hand instead.
That’s just one of the ways I encourage my kids to show gratitude, making them a part of the process and making it fun too!
Filed in: Parents
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