Don’t Lose Yourself
- March 15, 2012
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Having a newborn baby is so much fun. There is no creature so dependent, so full of love and adoration, and perfect as your new child. With all of this joy, comes a heavy dose of exhaustion and busyness. It becomes terribly easy to forget how to take care of yourself.
In fact, if you are doing such a great job taking care of your baby that you forget about yourself, you’re doing something right.
When my oldest child was born I remember feeling so overwhelmed and focused on taking care of my little girl that I swear to you I actually forgot to take a shower for almost three days. I’m not even sure that I remembered to brush my teeth (kind of gross, I know). All I did was change diapers, feed the baby, change her clothes, on occasion nap, and do my best to appear to be super mom. So many days like this and I was quickly run down and feeling the baby blues.
If you’re starting to feel that way, first don’t panic, and realize that its normal. In fact, if you are doing such a great job taking care of your baby that you forget about yourself, you’re doing something right. Your baby is alive, well fed, clean and well cared for. A feat all in itself. However to make yourself feel better, and have your outlook on parenthood get even healthier do whatever it takes to take care of yourself (eat, shower, read, exercise, etc.).
My tips to get this accomplished are simple. Once baby falls asleep (hopefully near the same time every day) take care of your needs and grab a nap while you can. If that doesn’t work, try putting your baby in their bouncy swing or in a carrier so you can take them around with you. Babies are flexible and love being a part of your world. It’s all new to them so even doing dishes or watering the grass is a fun experience for them. If all else fails, do not hesitate to ask someone to help you watch your baby so you can take some time for yourself. I promise you’ll feel light years better, and your baby with thank you for it!
Filed in: Baby, Food and Health, Parents, Parents To Be, Single Parents, Things To Do
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