• Big Daddy and I have just recently discovered that we are making the plunge from two kids to three. While this is the most exciting thing ever, it is also terrifying! With one child, you are able to devote all of your attention and love on them. With two, parents can work together to make sure everyone is happy and taken care of. What do you do with more than two? You are officially out numbered! Soon our bunch will be able to work together to bring Big Daddy and me down. It’s a scary prospect. Well, maybe it’s not that bad. The biggest concern for us is room! We have a smallish house and no plans to upgrade just yet. Thank goodness we thought to buy the minivan. (I know, we are minivan driving parents. Any notion you had of us being hip are gone. But that’s okay, I wouldn’t give that van up for anything!) Big Daddy and I are also frugal so we are hoping to not spend a fortune buying baby goodies.

    Here is our plan to make room for the next child without breaking the bank. First we Budget. The gender of the tertiary child is yet to be determined; luckily for us we already have one of each. This makes sharing rooms easy. All baby clothes will be purchased off season. We still have Lady Bug’s crib, so that is taken care of. I have also found and written on my calendar the date and time of every consignment sale within a 50 mile radius. Physically speaking, we have cleaned out our main living areas. Getting rid of superfluous furniture, and some toys that aren’t really played with any more.

    It’s just a start, but it helps me sleep at night.