• If you are expanding your family for the second time (or beyond) you might have worried about how your older child will react to the news.  Of course this is different for each child, and their ages and developments.  One thing is fairly common though, the older sibling wants to be a part of the fun.  They want to help.  The younger they are, the harder it is for them to help. And of course, the younger they are the more they want to help.

    I think that one of the best things we can do is to help nurture and encourage their desire to be involved with the new baby.  When I was expecting my third child I made the older two special backpacks.  These were small bags, ones that they could easily tote around.  Inside the bags were things that I was likely to need throughout the day with a newborn.

    We included a diaper, small pack of wipes, and a pacifier.  There was a small toy doctor kit and a receiving blanket.

    The bags were dubbed “big sister (or brother) helper bags.”

    Both my older kids were eager to carry their bags around and hand me anything that I might have needed.  I can’t tell you how useful it actually was.  There were several times when I was nursing the baby, couldn’t get up, and needed a wipe.

    The doctor kit was used with mommy and daddy’s help to assist in “checking up” on the baby.

    I knew that this idea was really working when my oldest daughter explained to anyone who would listen how she helps to take care of her baby brother.  She truly was a part of the team.

    Since then I have made these bags for many little kids I know who are about to become an older sibling.  They make great hospital gifts.